1. Introduction
1.1. Welcome to Baizat.com. This site is owned and operated by Consultant Salah Al-Halyan in association with the company of which he is Founder and Managing Director; Gulf Insurance Consulting. Baizat is a website offering various financially related resources and events in the Middle-East and North Africa. Baizat’s services in relation to training and development are provided by Baizati Training LLC, a financial literacy training and development organization which is also owned and operated by Consultant Salah Al-Halyan.
1.2. The following terminology applies to these Terms and Conditions, Privacy Statements and any or all agreements: “Client”, “You” and “Your” refers to you, the person accessing this website and accepting the Company’s terms and conditions. “The Company”, “Ourselves”, “We” and “Our” refers to the Company. “Parties” or “Us”, refers to both the Client and ourselves, or either the Client or ourselves.
1.3. PLEASE READ THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF USE (“Terms”) BEFORE USING OUR SITE. By using our site you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms. If you don’t wish to be bound by what you read below, you shouldn’t use Baizat.com.
1.4. We may make changes to these Terms at any time. We will let you know what these changes are by posting them to this page, but it is your responsibility as a user to make sure that you are aware of them, by checking for any changes on a regular basis. Changes will become effective as soon as they are posted. If you continue to use our site after the posting of changes to these Terms, it means that you accept any such changes.
2. We provide
2.1. The focus of Baizat is about providing advice and empowerment to our users. We provide regularly updated general information with our views on financial management, as well as updates on various events that we hold and services that we offer. The information that you read on this site is a good opportunity for you to begin to manage the money in you and your family’s life better.
3. We don’t provide
3.1. The information we provide does not address your individual requirements, unless you are involved in a Consultation with one of our Experts. The published information on our website does not constitute any form of advice, recommendation, representation, endorsement or arrangement by us and is not intended to be relied upon by you in making (or refraining from making) any specific investment or other decisions. Our word on other companies on Baizat.com or any of other sister websites is purely an opinion of the author and not something that should be taken as advice. Given that the impact of any information expressed on our site can vary widely based on your personal situation, you should always carry out your own research into the product that is of interest to you.
4. Privacy policy
4.1 We take your privacy seriously. Please read our Privacy Policy to see how we
deal with this information.
5. Links
5.1. When we link to other websites on Baizat.com, we don’t control the accuracy or completeness of that information. You take full responsibility for using that information and verifying it and for any decision to use, purchase or refrain from purchasing any of the services or products mentioned on a linked site. If you do purchase products or services from another website please read their contract carefully before deciding to buy. Remember, your contract for those products or services will be with them, not us.
5.2. When you use other websites, any personal information you give them will be dealt with in line with their privacy policies, not ours, so please read the privacy policies of each and every such website before using them.
5.3. Some of the links included on our site may be adverts. These are links which take you directly or indirectly to another website and which may result in us receiving a fee or commission as a consequence of you clicking through to their site or purchasing a product from them. This income is important to the running of Baizat.com and helps fund our Experts and the information we provide on the website.
5.4. You are welcome to link to our site if you comply with the terms set out in this section and all applicable laws. Any site or service that links to our site;
5.4.1. can’t use any Baizat trade-marks, such as our logo or our icons – without our written consent;
5.4.2. can’t remove, distort or otherwise alter the size or appearance of our logo – if first given permission to use it;
5.4.3. can’t in any way imply that we are endorsing it or its products or services;
5.4.4. can’t misrepresent its relationship with us or present false information about us;
5.4.5. can’t be a site or service that infringes any intellectual property or other right of any person or that otherwise does not comply with all relevant laws and regulations;
5.4.6. can’t be a site or service that contains content that could be considered distasteful or offensive.
If you breach these terms, then we have the right to require that your link is removed and to take whatever other action we think appropriate.
6. Our content
6.1. All of the content on our site is owned by us or our licensors and is protected by international copyright laws.
6.2. The content on our site includes any information or other material found on Baizat.com, including seminar courses, other activities or services, articles, videos, graphics, calculators and all other features of our site. You are allowed to use our content for personal, non-commercial use only. You may make one copy of extracts from this site on any single computer for personal, individual use only, provided that all copyright and proprietary notices are kept intact. Apart from that, none of our content may be republished, posted, transmitted, stored, sold, distributed or modified without our prior written consent.
6.3. All other brand names and trade marks that appear on this site are trademarks or trade names of their respective holders. No permission is given in respect of the use of any of these brands or marks and any such use may constitute an infringement of the holder’s rights.
7. Your content
7.1. The user owns any copyright in the text that they post to our forums and in our private Consultations. However, when you post text on our website, you expressly grant us a perpetual, unlimited free license to republish that text on our site and to redistribute/make available and/or sell that text in print or electronic form anywhere in the world as part of an edited compilation or otherwise. Everything posted in our private Consultations will not be published elsewhere, except for our private records.
8. Disclaimer of warranties and liability
8.1. We provide our site in good faith but we can’t and don’t warrant the completeness, truth or accuracy of the information or other content or postings found on our site, or their usefulness for any particular purpose. You acknowledge and agree that you bear full responsibility for your own research and decisions and that we shall not be liable for any action that you or others take or don’t take based on your use of or reliance on information provided by us or other users of this site.
8.2. We don’t promise that your access to our site, or its content will be delivered uninterrupted, timely or error-free, or that the site will be free from viruses or other harmful properties. It is your responsibility to implement satisfactory safeguards and procedures to make sure any files you obtain through our site are free from such contaminations or other harmful properties.
8.3. The effect of what is set out here is that you agree that under no circumstances will we be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental or other type loss or injury resulting from your use, or downloading of any content on our site.
9. Payment of services and ordering
9.1. Please refer below to the terms and conditions regarding the purchase of any Baizat webinar or workshop attendance:
9.1.1. Your payments to us entitle you the right to: a place at the session during the arranged hours as advertised and to receive a copy of any materials in association with the event
9.1.2. We may change the session hours and / or the location for any reason by notifying you in advance of the change and detailing substitute hours and/or location and: (a) we shall have no liability to you; and (b) you shall make no claim against us (including for a refund), in respect of the same.
9.2. Please refer below to the terms and conditions regarding the purchase of Baizat Consultations.
9.2.1. The Consultation fee is judged by the Baizat Expert using their sole discretion on a case-by-case basis. The fee is non-refundable and it cannot be disputed.
9.2.2. Your Consultation payments to us are for the Expert’s time only and do not guarantee any form of further information or communication. It is the sole discretion of the Baizat Expert if they wish to provide further information in the discussion, and if they do; the extent of the information they provide is entirely up to them.
9.3. Please refer below to the terms and conditions regarding the use of payment
9.3.1. PayPal is the primary payment option on Baizat.com. In connection therewith, you agree to allow PayPal to debit the full amount of your dues from your PayPal account (“PayPal Account”) or from the credit card(s), debit card(s), bank account(s), or other allowed Payment Method(s) linked to your PayPal Account.
9.3.2. It is your responsibility to keep your PayPal Account and PayPal Funding Source current and funded, and your PayPal Account backed by at least one valid credit card.
9.3.3. You agree that PayPal and Baizat will not be responsible for payments that fail to go through as a result of your PayPal Account or PayPal Funding Source no longer existing or holding insufficient funds.
9.3.4. If for any reason PayPal is unable to withdraw the full amount owed for your purchase, you agree that PayPal and Baizat may pursue all available remedies in order to obtain payment.
9.3.5. You agree that if the transaction is returned unpaid, you will pay a service charge of US$25.00 or the maximum amount allowed by law, which may be debited from your PayPal Account or PayPal Funding Source.
9.3.6. By clicking the “Buy Now” button, you agree to the terms of the PayPal payment option. You authorize a debit of the full amount of your chosen purchase from your PayPal Account or PayPal Funding Source.
10. Waiver and indemnity
10.1. By using an internet-based payment Service, such as PayPal, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless Baizat; its directors, employees, Affiliates, agents, contractors, and licensors with regard to any claims arising out of the use of the service or non-payment of dues or other payments. This means that you cannot sue or recover any damages from Baizat, its directors, employees, affiliates, agents, contractors, and licensors.
10.2. You are solely responsible for ensuring the Payment of your dues by the stated deadline and all associated fees; Any failure of payment caused by the use of an internet-based Payment service and the resolution of disputes, errors or problems with the payment service is your sole responsibility.
10.3. Baizat is not responsible for any fees or costs associated with the dispute resolution or any costs for the use of the payment service.
10.4. Notices regarding Payment:
10.4.1. Baizat may send you notices regarding your payment by e-mail to the email address listed on your Baizat Account, by a letter via postal mail to the PO Box address listed on your Baizat Account, or by posting notices of general information on the Baizat Website.
10.5. You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless us, our directors, officers, employees and licensors from and against any claim, liability, cost, damage or loss we may incur (including reasonable legal fees) as a result of any material that you post or transmit on our forums, or any actions you take which disrupt access to and/or the functioning of our site or any breach by you of your obligations under these Terms.
11. General
11.1. If any of these provisions is deemed invalid, void or unenforceable that provision will be deemed severable from the rest and will not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.
11.2. This site is directed to users in the Middle-East and North Africa only unless otherwise specified for specific items posted on this site.
12. Contact us
This site is owned and operated by:
Gulf Insurance Consulting
P.O.Box 61521
Registered in Dubai with Main License No 519888
If you have any questions about our site or these Terms and Conditions, please contact us by writing to Baizat.com, P.O.Box 61521, Dubai, UAE. However, for any other issues please visit Contact Us on Baizat.com.