Internationally certified financial training

Baizati Training now offers internationally recognised CPD certified financial training workshops and courses.
Empower your employees with our accredited training programs and help them achieve financial stability and success.
Empower my employees nowHow do I
Our passion is securing your financial future

Learn about usWe are dedicated to helping people on the road to becoming financially literate, financially empowered and ultimately; financially successful.
Whether providing consultation to organizations, running workshops for large audiences or providing a one on one session for an individual; we make the world of personal finance easy to understand and engage with.
Consultant Salah Al-Halyan
The case for financial empowerment
Being able to develop financial skills and abilities
per year
across life
Someone with a salary of AED 101,000 per annum stands to lose AED 2,220,510 in wealth through poor decision making over the course of their life
Ali et al: The financial literacy of young Australians (2014) (adjusted for AED)
Most around the world are not prepared to use the financial opportunities and responsibilities available to them (World Bank, 2013)
World Bank (2013)
Link to financial literacy survey in Khaleej Times Newspaper (2018)
Financially secure in the workplace are:
Link to study on financial wellness impact on engagement and productivity (2015)