WORKS-TEST-Lesson 5-GF-Goals

Here’s a quick guide to help you get started:

  • Goal Name: Enter the name of your financial goal
  • Target Amount: Enter the estimated total amount for your goal
  • Save Duration: Specify the duration in years and months that you want to achieve the goal
  • Amount Saved So Far: Input any amount you have already saved towards this goal
  • Yearly Growth Rate (%): Optional: If planning to invest your savings to reach this goal, input an expected annual growth %.
  • Monthly Contribution: The calculator will then show you the monthly contribution needed to achieve your goals.

Click the button to add more goals and adjust the figures as needed. Don’t forget to save your table as a PDF for future reference!

Financial Goals Calculator

Goal Name Target Amount Save Duration (Years) Save Duration (Months) Amount Saved So Far Yearly Growth Rate (%) Monthly Contribution Needed

Note: Yearly Growth Rate (%) compounds monthly by default.

Disclaimer: This calculator provides estimations only and does not constitute financial advice. Remember, savings growth may be subject to inflation and investment growth carries uncertainty, neither of which are covered in this calculator. Users must consider these factors and seek professional financial advice.